Friday, June 18, 2010

Holy Halftime!

On June 14, the six-story fiberglass colossus known as Touchdown Jesus because of its upraised arms, put on quite a show off Ohio I-75 north of Cincinatti. It was struck by lightning and burned to ashes, except for the underlying scaffolding. Supposedly, when the local fire department received the 911 call begging them to "save Jesus," they decided it was a prank call and hung up.

Hmmm. I guess they're feeling the heat now!

Hey! Get out of there you crazy kids . . .

Isn't it strange that a structure which cost a quarter of a million dollars to build had no lightning protection? Maybe this particular denomination didn't believe in lighting rods. (there's so many different churches out there, one of them has to believe that) Or, maybe they believed they had some kind of divine insurance policy.

It does seem strange that an event we sometimes associate with the wrath of God would fall so close to home. Is this indicative of some family trouble upstairs? Or could it be that we're just not as good at reading God's mind as we'd like to think we are? In case YOU need help reading God's mind, just remember this basic principle:

a. when bad things happen to you, you're being tested to prove what a good person you really are.

b. when bad things happen to people you don't like, they're being punished.

Get it?

Oh, yeah. About the fire department? I made that up. :)


  1. Wow, that is just... ming-blowing. At first I thought the first photo was the one where it had burnt to ashes and I thought- aw, that's now too bad, it's just his left arm. But then I saw the second photo and I was like, "OH."

  2. Hehe I saw this on the internet a few days ago, but I didn't see all of the other pictures of it. :D

    P.S. Eric, you won a blogging award on my non-book blog:

  3. @lucy - it is kind of mind-blowing. I think they're estimating the damages from this fire at close to a million dollars.
    @zella - I am honored. Thank you. ^.^

  4. My my! I should have known you made up the 'save Jesus,' but it was hilarious anyway. Very interesting post, Eric!

  5. Thanks, Spammy. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Next week I'm writing about the volcano in Uruguay that's spewing fried spam. Um, yeah. I guess I'm still working on that big fat liar award from zella. So there's one more! :)
